Dr Banu Lokman is an Associate Professor (Reader) in Operational Research (OR) and Associate Head of Research and Innovation at the School of Organisations, Systems and People at the University of Portsmouth. She is also serving as the Deputy Director of CORL (the Centre for Operational Research and Logistics) at Portsmouth. Banu's expertise is in the field of OR, multi-criteria decision making and optimization where she has published in various high-ranking journals. In 2022, she was given the Bernard Roy Award of the Association of European Operational Research Societies Working Group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding. This is a recognition conferred to a young researcher for an outstanding contribution to the Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding Field.

Banu joined the University of Portsmouth in January 2019 having completed an Undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering (IE), followed by a Masters degree (2007) and a PhD (2011) from the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara (Turkey). After her post-doc research at Aalto University School of Business (Finland), she was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the IE department at METU from 2014 to 2019, in between holding the post of Visiting Researcher at Aalto University. She served as the secretary of the International branch of the Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Society and a board member at INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) Section on MCDM.

She is presently the Vice-President and President-elect of the INFORMS Section on MCDM. She also serves as an Associate Editor of OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science. 




Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, 2011

Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Dissertation Title: Converging Preferred Regions in Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Advisor: Murat Köksalan


M.S. in Industrial Engineering, 2007

Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Thesis Title: Approaches for Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Advisor: Murat Köksalan


B.S. in Industrial Engineering, 2005

Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Minor Programme: Department of Mathematics