Associate Head of Research and Innovation: 2023 - present



School of Organisations, Systems and People, University of Portsmouth. 

Vice-president and President-elect: 2023 - present


The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) MCDM Section. 

Deputy Director: 2021 - present

Centre for Operational Research and Logistics (CORL), University of Portsmouth, UK

Course Leader: 2019 - 2023

Business and Supply Chain Management Course, University of Portsmouth, UK

Secretary and Executive Committee Member:  2015 - 2019

International Society on Multi-criteria Decision Making.

Board Member:  2018 - 2020

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) MCDM Section.           


Associate Professor (Reader) in Operational Research: September 2022 - present

School of Organisations, Systems and People, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Portsmouth, UK

Senior Lecturer:  January 2019 - present

Department of Operations and Systems Management, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Portsmouth, UK

Modules  Taught: 

  • Business Logistics Management - a brand new module (Module Coordinator)
  • Business Operations and Systems Management (DA) (Module Coordinator)
  • Business Operations and Systems Management 
  • Operations Management 
  • Critical Thinking and Research Methods                   

Assistant Professor:  September 2014 - December 2019

Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Courses Taught:          

  • Special Topics in IE: Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization
  • Decision Analysis
  • Introduction to Probability
  • Engineering Economy and Investment Management
  • Behavioural Decision Analysis
  • Accounting and Engineering Economics

Assistant Professor:  February 2012 - September 2014.

Department of Industrial Engineering, TED University, Ankara, Turkey

 Courses Taught:

  •  Introduction to Probability Theory
  •  Calculus of One Variable
  •  Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis

 Researcher: January 2014 - February 2014

 Department of Information and Service Economy, Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland

 Post-doc Researcher: May 2012 - June 2013

 Department of Information and Service Economy, Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland

 Course: Tools for Business Decisions 1

 Research and Teaching Assistant: March 2010 - June 2010

 Department of Business Technology, Aalto University School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland

 Course: Tools for Business Decisions 2

 Research and Teaching Assistant: September 2006-September 2011

 Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey


  •  Operational Research I-III
  •  Production and Service Operations Planning II
  • Simulation
  • Quality Planning & Control
  • Engineering Statistics II
  • Inventory Planning Problems
  • Decision Analysis
  • Topics in Supply Chain Management

 Undergraduate Assistant: September 2004 - June 2005

 Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey


  •  Operational Research I
  •  Production Planning I


Planning Engineer: June 2005 - August 2006

Microelectronics, Guidance and Electro-Optics Division, ASELSAN Electronic Industries Inc., Ankara, Turkey

Intern: January 2005

Department of International Relations, Central Bank of Republic of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey

Summer Intern: July 2004 - August 2004

Department of Production Planning, TAI (TUSAS Aerospace Industries) Inc., Ankara, Turkey

Summer Intern: July 2003 - August 2003

Department of Quality Planning, ARÇELİK Dishwasher Plant, Ankara, Turkey

Applied Project: Stock Area Design

ARÇELİK Dishwasher Plant, Ankara, Turkey, September 2004 - June 2005